Shock Report: The Life of European Jews in Hitler's Time *

Auschwitz II-Brikenau plan

Auschwitz II magazine, February 21, 2008

the original graphic is available here


Camp Auschwitz II - Birkenau

(Spring-Fall 1944)

Among the 5.5 millions Jews exterminated by the Third Reich, two third (2/3) were gassed, using a technique and procedure that reached its peak at Auschwitz during the period 1942 - 1944; the culminating point in horror and efficiency. Here is the graphic depiction of the fate for Jews arriving at the death camp Auschwitz - Birkenau.

A - Entrance
B - Unloading ramps and selection
C, D, E, F - Krematorium II, III, IV, V
G - Camp for Tziganes
H - Barracks for SS and commanders
I - Storage for goods taken from Jews 
J - Place where corpses were incinerated



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